MSK Radio - S
yes | ESX Legacy 1.9.2 and above |
yes | QBCore |
yes | msk_core |
yes | saltychat |
yes | pma-voice |
yes | tokovoip |
yes | Source Code |
MSK Radio
If you want to see the config first, look at our cfx post.
- Animation and Prop while UI is open
- Animation while talking
- Set the Volume
- Streamer Mode - (current channel and password will be blured)
- Speaker - (nearby players can hear the radio) - [set true/false in config] - [Only Saltychat]
- Show Members in the current channel - [set true/false in config]
- Player disconnect from radio if item was removed from inventory - [set true/false in config]
- Encrypted Channels for specific jobs - [set in config]
- Set a Password for the Channel you want to connect
- ESX 1.9.2 and above or QBCore
- msk_core
- pma-voice, saltychat or tokovoip
- This resource is using the Asset Escrow system. Click here to know more about it.
- Important CORE functions are still encrypted so that the script cannot be copied.
- About 10% is encrypted.