MSK Banking - S
yes | ESX Legacy 1.9.2 and above |
no | QBCore |
yes | oxmysql |
yes | msk_core |
yes | Source Code |
MSK Banking - Advanced Bankingsystem with NativeUI
If you want to see the config first, look at our cfx post.
Youtube Video Preview
- Create your first main account
- Create a second account
- Create society accounts (integrated System or Addon_Account) [in config.lua]
- Invoices
- Investment
- Transactionshistory
- Animation at the ATMs [setatm models in config.lua]
- Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer money
- Transfer money via Accountnumber not via PlayerID [offline Transfer]
- NPCs or Marker at the Bank [toggleable in config.lua]
- Bankcard item needed to access a ATM [buyable at the Bank]
- Set different locations for a Bank with a few options [look at the config.lua]
- You can set the ranks that have access to the society account [in config.lua]
- Set the Notification you want to use
- Set Custom Banner for the NativeUI Menu
- Discord Logs [deposit, withdraw, transfer, create or delete account, change accountnumber]
Optional Requirements
- esx_addonaccount
- esx_billing
- myBilling
- okokBilling
- This resource is using the Asset Escrow system. Click here to know more about it.
- Serverside Code is still encrypted but clientside code is accessible.